10 random life lessons.

By 08:26 , , ,

  1. Only trust people with big butts...They cannot lie.
  2. Common sense is like deodorant...People who need it most never use it.
  3. Crazy people; never get between them and their pancakes.
  4. If you find yourself in the middle where shit happens, say nothing and try to look like you know what you're doing.
  5. When life knocks you down calmly get back up, smile and say politely "You hit like a bitch"
  6. If you're laughing so hard at least try to make some noise, otherwise you'll look like a retarded clapping seal.
  7. When you see your ex with someone else, never get mad. Just remember what your mother said: "Always give your used toys to the less fortunate"
  8. Don't argue. Just explain why you're correct.
  9. Life is a bitch; so learn how to fuck it.
  10. Life is too short to be serious all the time; So if you can't laugh at yourself, then call me...I'll laugh at you.

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